Know Your Rights

Stand in your power!

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Know Your Unalienable Rights

Do you feel like a slave to a corporate system that does not care about you? The People's Lawyer will reveal information that is not taught at school, not even at law school. With information comes knowledge. From knowledge comes power. It is time for you to take back your power!


Combat Police Tyranny

Have you been threatened with arrest or harassment by an officer or agent. What can or should you do or say to minimise risk? And how can you preserve your freedom and go to a mass rally? This video series will show you how to stand lawfully in your power against policy officers and agents.

Keep Your Business Open

Your right to life and to earn a living is sacrosanct! Know your options for keeping your business going in lawful defiance of Draconian rules with remedies in commerce for dealing with paperwork, merely designed to scare business owners into compliance and learn how to prevent political arrest. 


Combat Medical Tyranny

Learn to save yourself and your boys and girls from a living nightmare. Use the power of your knowledge, of your clear intention and of the written word. Place the burden of proof where it needs to be: upon those who are making insane claims while threatening both your livelihood and your life!


Knowledge IS Power

A hub of empowering information, resources and links freely available to help you discover your true potential

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What Some of Our Online Privacy Course Students Say...

Thanks again for the most superb learning over the last 5 weeks; its been truly brilliant!
David's knowledge, wisdom and experience is akin to the greatest stoic. The fact that he is sharing all of his knowledge is a gift to humanity. His delivery and style is exceptional, engaging and life-changing to those who apply the science.

Just a quick note to thank you for the last five weeks on your course - Monday afternoons won’t be the same any more.  You have an in depth knowledge, an excellent presentation style, and a ready ability to make the complex, easily graspable. The updating / modifying of the course notes as we went along helped all of us learn from each other in real time. The course notes are a terrific reference aid. I would recommend the course to anyone. It’s worth every penny.


David's course and delivery was uplifting, educational, practical and empowering. We needed a morale boost when we first saw one of David's talks middle of 2020 and we were feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed.  The intensive course we attended has expanded and built on that and probably saved us 12 months of research and trial and error. Thanks for all you do David, the knowledge you have given us has been part of a once in a lifetime period of spiritual development.

Dan & Jacky

I recently completed Davids Course and all i can say is my eyes have been opened and my mind blown, I have since successfully used some of the information from the course to solve A parking fine get rid of unwanted caller and combat discrimination. Just knowing this information has given me confidence and empowered me to take control over my own life and deal with things that previously I would not thought possible to solve. I would highly recommend davids training.
