
The People's Lawyer

The People’s Lawyer (TPL) represents two concepts: people and law. TPL is all about giving people the tools and confidence to protect themselves from corporate extortion and government tyranny.

If you are new here,  your journey with TPL starts here with a comprehensive video series teaching you to free yourself from the clutches of tyranny


Know Your Unalienable Rights

Do you feel like a slave to a corporate system that does not care about you? The People's Lawyer will reveal information that is not taught at school, not even at law school. With information comes knowledge. From knowledge comes power. It is time for you to take back your power!


Combat Police Tyranny

Have you been threatened with arrest or harassment by an officer or agent. What can or should you do or say to minimise risk? And how can you preserve your freedom and go to a mass rally? This video series will show you how to stand lawfully in your power against policy officers and agents.

Keep Your Business Open

Your right to life and to earn a living is sacrosanct! Know your options for keeping your business going in lawful defiance of Draconian rules with remedies in commerce for dealing with paperwork, merely designed to scare business owners into compliance and learn how to prevent political arrest. 


Combat Medical Tyranny

Learn to save yourself and your boys and girls from a living nightmare. Use the power of your knowledge, of your clear intention and of the written word. Place the burden of proof where it needs to be: upon those who are making insane claims while threatening both your livelihood and your life!

Free Resources

We have an extensive library of free resources available to you to download and utilise. Click on the button below to get started

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